Mivi Duopods F60 vs boAt Airdopes 141 Comparison which is better?

If you are stuck at the end of your buying preferences between mivi duopods f60 and boat airdopes 141 then this comparison guide about “Mivi Duopods F60 vs boAt Airdopes 141 which is better” will help you to choose one between the two true wireless earbuds.

We will analyze both earbuds based on battery performance, build quality, sound quality & other features. I hope this guide will help to make the decision to buy the perfect earbuds. If you buy one of them by following our comparison guide, please let us know in the comment section below.

Mivi Duopods F60 vs boAt Airdopes 141 Comparison which is better?

Mivi Duopods F60 vs boAt Airdopes 141 Comparison
Mivi Duopods F60 vs boAt Airdopes 141 Comparison
ProductMivi Duopods F60 boAt Airdopes 141
Model NameDuopods F60Airdopes 141
Type of Earphonesin-Earin-Ear
Shape of EarbudsStem ShapeStem Shape
Highlight FactorValue for moneyValue for money
Connects withBluetoothBluetooth
Warranty1 Year1 Year
Launch Date25 April 202226 July 2021
Global ratings4.3⭐ out of 54⭐ out of 5

Mivi duopods is newly launched on 25th April 2022 and boAt Airdopes 141 was launched a year ago on 26th July 2021. The weighs of mivi duopods f60 and boat airdopes 141 are 47g and 60g respectively.

After this, the main comparison point sections are build quality, connectivity, battery & charging, sound quality, activities, and price comparison.

Build Quality Comparison

ProductMivi Duopods F60 boAt Airdopes 141
Built withStrong PlasticStrong Plastic
IPX ratingIPX4IPX4
Battery life IndicatorYesYes
ControlsTouch controlsTouch Controls
Weight38.5g charging Capsule 8.1g5g for buds, 50g for case

Overall mivi duopods f60 is good. It has built with strong plastic and the charging case shines too much if you touch that it clearly shows your fingerprints. It is an IPX4 rating of water/ sweat resistance. The battery indicator light will indicate the battery backup. The CTC area has all features volume (up and down), and you can control the volume (up and down) through your earbuds. In term of weight, mivi duopods is lighter than boat airdopes 141.

On the other hand, boat airdopes 141 is matte finish build quality which does not show your fingerprint when you touch the charging case. It has an LED battery life indicator. The CTC area gives you all the features reject/ receive calls, next/ previous track, and play/pause except volume (up and down).

If we talk about secure fit, both earbuds have a secure fit which means there is a minimum chance to fall off when you do work out, run, exercise, or do any other sports activities with wearing the earbuds.

Overall mivi duopods f60 is better than boat airdopes 141 in build quality comparison.

Connectivity Comparison

ProductMivi Duopods F60boAt Airdopes 141
Bluetooth versionv5.1v5.1
Bluetooth range10m10m
I/O PortsType-C port for chargingType-C port for charging
LatencyNot mentioned80ms
Dual PairingNoNo
IWP tech.NoYes

We found that both earbuds are almost similar in terms of connectivity except for latency and IWP technology. boAt Airdopes 141 has an IWP technology feature that provides you to connect your earbuds quickly when you open the charging case and mivi duopods f60 has no IWP technology feature. boAt airdopes has a beast mode feature for gaming but mivi duopods have no beast mode.

If we say the final word in this area of comparison, we can say overall boAt airdopes 141 is better than mivi duopods f60.

Battery & Charging Comparison

ProductMivi Duopods F60boAt Airdopes 141
Battery CapacityNot mentioned30mAh for buds; 600mAh for case
Playback time7 hrs for buds; Total playback 50 hrs with charging case6 hrs for buds; Total playback 42 hrs with charging case
Charging time1 hr for buds; 2 hrs for case1 hr for buds; 2 hrs for case
Fast chargingNoYes; 5 min = 75 min playback
Charging PortType-CType-C

Mivi duopods f60 has a longer battery backup than boat airdopes 141. But if we talk about Fast charging (ASAP), boat airdopes provides you 75 minutes of playback in 5 minutes of charging whereas mivi duopods f60 has no fast charging (ASAP) feature.

So if you want longer battery backup earbuds, you can choose mivi duopods f60 but if you want fast charging (ASAP), you can prefer buying boat airdopes 141.

Sound Comparison

ProductMivi Duopods F60boAt Airdopes 141
Drivers size12mm8mm
Frequency20 Hz to 20 kHz20 Hz-20 kHz
Bass QualityGoodBetter
For a Better Calling ExperienceENCENx Tech

If we talk about the sound quality & call quality, we noticed that boat airdopes a little better than mivi duopods f60 in clarity, bass quality, and balance. Mivi duopods have a 12mm driver which is better than boAt airdopes 141 but when we compare the loudness of both earbuds, we found that both earbuds are similar.

Mivi duopods f60 has ENC (Environment Noise cancellation) and boAt Airdopes 141 has ENx Technology for a better calling experience.

Overall boAt Airdopes 141 is better than mivi duopods f60 in sound quality comparison.

Price & Price range Comparison

Mivi Duopods F60 Earbuds Price Range: The highest price ever recorded is Rs. 2999/- and the lowest price has been recorded at Rs. 999/-. The best buy deal is under Rs. 1400/-.

boAt Airdopes 141 Earbuds Price Range: The highest price has been recorded for boAt Airdopes 141 is 1799/- while the lowest one is Rs 999/-. However, it is best to buy under Rs. 1500/-

ProductMivi Duopods F60 EarbudsboAt Airdopes 141 Earbuds
Max. Price2999/- Rs 1799/- Rs
Min. Price999/- Rs999/- Rs
Good to buy under1400/- Rs1500/- Rs
Current Price

Mivi Duopods F60 vs boAt Airdopes 141 Comparison which is best? – Final Verdict

Now we are in the final stage where we present our final conclusion about mivi duopods f60 vs boAt airdopes 141 comparisons.

If we talk about build quality, both earphones are stem shape and secure fit earbuds and you can do workouts by wearing these earbuds. Mivi duopods f60 charging is rounded shape & shiny while the boat airdopes 141 charging case is suitcase shape & matte finish. Build quality, Look & feel are good.

Coming to the connectivity, The main differences between Mivi Duopods F60 and boAt Airdopes 141 are latency for gaming and IWP technology. boAt airdopes has the best mode for gaming and IWP technology for quick pairing.

Talking about battery & charging performance, Mivi duopods f60 has a longer battery backup than boat airdopes 141. But boat airdopes 141 has fast charging support (ASAP) which provides 75 minutes in 5 minutes.

Now move on to sound quality, we found boat airdopes 141 has more clarity, bass, and balance as compared to mivi duopods f60. The loudness in both earphones is similar. Mivi duopods f60 has ENC for a better calling experience while boat airdopes has ENx technology for a better calling experience.

Mivi Duopods F60 vs boAt Airdopes 141 Comparison which is better
Mivi Duopods F60 vs boAt Airdopes 141 Comparison which is better

Our recommendation is to buy boAt airdopes 141 because it is slightly better than mivi duopods f60. But if you want longer battery backup and a lesser price about 200 rupees as compared to boAt airdopes 141 then you can choose mivi duopods f60 ENC.

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Frequently Asked Question

What is the full form of ENC?

The full form of ENC is Environment Noise Cancellation.

Does boAt Airdopes 141 have a beast mode for gaming?

Yes, it has.

Does boAt Airdopes 141 have Fast charging (ASAP)?

Yes, It provides the 75 minutes playback in 5 minutes.

What are the main differences between mivi duopods f60 and boat airdopes 141?

The main differences are –
1. Latency for gaming
2. ENx Technology
3. IWP technology
4. Playback time
5. Fast charging (ASAP)
6. Driver Size

Mivi Duopods F60 vs boAt Airdopes 141 which is better?

boAt Airdopes 141.

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