Sony WI-C200 vs Boult Audio ZCharge comparison which is better?

Are you planning to buy Bluetooth neckband earphones soon? We are pretty sure you have done a lot of research about which one is the best neckband under 2K rupees. As mentioned in the title, both the neckband are of top-notch quality and value. But, ultimately it might be a little difficult to decide for which one to buy. To ease the decision, we are presenting Sony WI-C200 vs Boult Audio ZCharge comparison, which will help you to make a better approach.

By reading this article, you will be able to decide which neckband is better for you to buy. We will compare all the points, good and bad of the neckband. We assume, like all the audience, your priorities are sound quality, call quality, connectivity, battery life, charging, and most importantly durability.

Sony WI-C200 vs Boult Audio ZCharge comparison which is better?

Sony WI-C200 vs Boult Audio ZCharge comparison
Sony WI-C200 vs Boult Audio ZCharge comparison
ProductSony WI-C200Boult Audio ZCharge
BrandSONYBoult Audio
Model NameWI-C200ZCharge
Type of Earphonesin-Earin-Ear
Highlight FactorRich and immersive soundLong battery life
Connects withBluetoothBluetooth
Warranty1 Year1 Year
Launch Date9 May 201930 December 2021
Global ratings4⭐ out of 54⭐ out of 5

Build Quality Comparison

ProductSony WI-C200Boult Audio ZCharge
Built withPlasticSilicone
IPX ratingN/AIPX5
Magnetic earbudsYesYes
Controls3 buttons controls3 buttons controls

Let us first see how the build quality varies in the neckbands, Sony is by far the top-class brand, which offers a lightweight, flexible, and skin-friendly neckband. The Sony WI-C200 folds around the neck and feels so smooth around the ears as well as around the neck. It is very light and you do not face any problems while wearing it. Being a Sony product, it is meant to be durable. The only thing that might bother you is that it’s not water-resistant.

While on the other side, we get a silicone body in Boult Audio ZCharge The neckband has a power-packed battery, and hence it is bulky which might bother you while long time usage. It is water-resistant and rated IPX5 for it. Both neckbands are equipped with magnetic earbuds that lock together around your neck and make you worry-free of free falling.

Connectivity Comparison

ProductSony WI-C200Boult Audio ZCharge
Bluetooth versionBT5.0BT5.2
Bluetooth range10m10m
I/O PortsType-C portType-C port
Dual PairingNoYes

Considering the connectivity features of both the neckbands, we get Bluetooth v5.0 in Sony WI-C200 for seamless connectivity. As both the neckbands come around in the same price range, it can not be expected much from these two. However Boult Audio figures out what people need nowadays.

Boult Audio ZCharge is equipped with the latest date Bluetooth v5.2 and Dual pairing which makes it a superior neckband under this price range. It could have been best if this neckband had a low latency mode to enjoy some games. However, you can still play games with some latency.

Battery & Charging Comparison

ProductSony WI-C200Boult Audio ZCharge
Battery CapacityNot mentionedNot mentioned
Playback time15 hours40 hours
Charging time3 hours30 min
Fast chargingYes (10 min charge; 1-hour playback)Yes (10 min charge; 15 hours playback)
Charging PortType-CType-C

Here also in terms of battery and charging, we see differences. We get a decent 15 hours of battery life in the Sony WI-C200. The fast charging is very significant to make it ready for 1 hour in just 10 min of charging. Overall it is good in terms of battery and charging. But there is comparatively more in current generation neckbands.

Boult Audio ZCharge comes with an unbeatable 40 hours of non-stop playback time with ultra-fast charging. With only 10 min of charging, you can use the neckband for up to 15 hours. This is much more than expected in terms of battery and charging.

Sound Comparison

ProductSony WI-C200Boult Audio ZCharge
Drivers size9mm14.2mm
ImpedanceNot mentionedNot mentioned
SensitivityNot mentionedNot mentioned
Frequency20Hz-20kHzNot mentioned
Bass QualityGoodBetter

The sound quality of both neckband is great. There is no need to introduce Sony as a top-notch brand. The vocals will be louder and clear with deep bass. You will feel the vibe in the music. The neckband is balanced for every genre of music. The highs, lows, and trebles of the neckbands are what make this neckband so premium. The quality of the mic and Noise cancellation has the chance to improve.

But again there is more in Boult Audio ZCharge if we talk about the sound quality. The credit goes to its existence in the current generation of neckbands. The massive 14.2mm drivers exhale vigorous sound booms inside the ears. The bass is so much punchy as in all the Boult Audio neckbands. Although you will enjoy all types of music, there is much more if you try some electro, heavy metal, and pop genres.

If we talk about calling and noise cancellation, the design does everything and the mics have a dedicated feature to cancel the noise by AI. Which performs not so well but is good enough for the receiver.

Activities Comparison

ProductSony WI-C200Boult Audio ZCharge

Price & Price range Comparison

ProductSony WI-C200Boult Audio ZCharge
Max PriceRs 2390/-Rs 1999/-
Min PriceRs 1399/-Rs 1299/-
Good to buy for/underRs 1800/-Rs 1800/-
Current Price

Sony WI-C200 Price range: The maximum price has ever seen for Sony WI-C200 is Rs 2390/- while the minimum price is Rs 1399/-, It is best to buy for under Rs 1800/-

Boult Audio ZCharge Price range: The maximum price has ever seen for Boult Audio ZCharge is Rs 1999/- while the minimum price is Rs 1299/-, It is best to buy under Rs 1800/-


So let’s finally talk about which neckband is better among these two. Of course, Boult Audio Zcharge is more suitable for your money if you want a feature and quality rich neckband. But the thing to notice is that this neckband will bother you if you listen to music for a long time. The weight is hectic and the body is quite thick. There is not so much comfort if you can feel the equipment.

Sony WI-C200 vs Boult Audio ZCharge comparison which is better
Sony WI-C200 vs Boult Audio ZCharge comparison which is better

Talking of the features, it is so much rich that it beats most of its peers in the range. But talking of the practical usage. Sony WI-C200 is better. Also, it will save you some money unless Boult Audio Zcharge got listed for a discounted offer.

It is worth remembering that Boult Audio is not that bad but it is not as good as Sony WI-C200 while fitting around your neck. It will bother you only if you use it for a long time like 5-6 hours. Other than this, you will get better noise cancellation, way more playback time, faster charging, and the rarest dual pairing.

Sony WI-C200Boult Audio ZCharge

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People Also Ask

What are the main differences between Sony WI-C200 vs Boult Audio ZCharge comparison?

The main differences are:
1. Build Quality- Design
2. Connectivity-Dual pairing
3. Battery-Playback time, fast charging
4. Audio-Sound and Noise Cancellation
5. Price

What is dual pairing?

The dual pairing allows you to connect your earphones with two devices at the same time.

Is Dual pairing a necessary feature nowadays?

It totally depends on the user, and how much they prioritize the features.

Is Bluetooth v5.0 too old now?

Considering the newest version 5.2, Bluetooth v5.0 does the job perfectly, so it is not old.

Which neckband is better for gaming?

Although none of the neckbands are made for gaming, both will give you the same gaming experience, The difference will lie in the sound quality and clarity, so Sony WI-C200 will be a little better for gaming.

Which neckband is perfect for gym and sports?

Sony WI-C200 is lightweight and provides a secure fit into the ears, hence it is better for gym and sports.

How to claim the warranty for wireless neckbands?

First, register your device on the brand’s website. Dial the phone number provided on the warranty card/ website, and follow the instructions given by the customer support team.

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