boAt Airdopes 141 vs 111 Comparison which is better?

Are you looking for budget wireless earbuds for your earphone needs? If you are, We got something to show you. These two earbuds deliver the features very sufficiently and people are trying to find out which one is better to buy. Hence it seems fair to compare these two. We present boAt Airdopes 141 vs 111 Comparison.

We believe this will help you to make the right choice. By reading this article you are very likely to come to the final conclusion of buying one of these two most popular earbuds as you will be able to differentiate between the two and decide what features are worth it for you. There are plenty of features both earbuds offer. We will discuss all the features one by one.

boAt Airdopes 141 vs 111 Comparison which is better?

boAt Airdopes 141 vs 111 Comparison
boAt Airdopes 141 vs 111 Comparison
ProductboAt Airdopes 111boAt Airdopes 141
Model NameAirdopes 111Airdopes 141
Type of Earphonesin-Earin-Ear
Highlight FactorImmersive soundValue for money
Connects withBluetoothBluetooth
Warranty1 Year1 Year
Launch Date16 January 202226 July 2021
Global ratings3.5 ⭐ out of 54⭐ out of 5

The main points of comparison include Build Quality, Connectivity, Battery & Charging, Sound Quality, and Price range. Along with these, we will also inform you about the good ones and the better ones according to different activities.

Build Quality Comparison

ProductboAt Airdopes 111boAt Airdopes 141
Built withStrong PlasticStrong Plastic
IPX ratingN/AIPX4
Battery life IndicatorNoYes
ControlsTouch controlsTouch Controls
Weight3.6g for buds, 40g for case5g for buds, 50g for case

In terms of build quality, Airdopes 141 has a little square-shaped case on the front and a matte finish all over the body. It has battery life indicator LEDs on its case and a well-indicated CTC area for touch controls. Although it is a minor add-on, the battery life indicator is needed to determine its battery usage. boAt Airdopes 141 are quite good in terms of build and design.

On the other hand, boAt Airdopes 111 has very few different features. It is not water-resistant, the case is cuboidal with a little smaller in size, stem-shaped buds, and a glossy finish. It also lacks a battery life indicator but the buds are a little lighter in weight making them a secure fit.

Connectivity Comparison

ProductboAt Airdopes 111boAt Airdopes 141
Bluetooth versionv5.1v5.0
Bluetooth range10m10m
I/O PortsType-C port for chargingType-C port for charging
LatencyAs usual80ms
Dual PairingNoNo
IWP tech.YesYes

In terms of connectivity as well, boAt Airdopes is one step ahead of Airdopes 111. There are two main differences as you can check in the table. boAt Airdopes comes with ultra-low latency mode which lets you enjoy some mobile games. It has Bluetooth v5.0.

While boat Airdopes 111 has Bluetooth v5.1 but does not has any ultra-low latency mode for gamers.

Battery & Charging Comparison

ProductboAt Airdopes 111boAt Airdopes 141
Battery Capacity40mAh for buds; 350mAh for case30mAh for buds; 600mAh for case
Playback time7 hrs for buds; 21 hrs for case6 hrs for buds; 36 hrs for case
Charging time1 hr for buds; 1.5 hrs for case1 hr for buds; 2 hrs for case
Fast chargingYes; 10 min = 90 min playbackYes; 10 min = 150 min playback
Charging PortType-CType-C

In terms of battery and charging, we have a clear dominant part. boAt Airdopes 141 is ahead of Airdopes 111. It has a massive 600mAh battery which can charge the earbuds 6 times more. The earbuds have 30mAh which lasts 6 hours. It also has fast charging which charges the earbuds for 150 min in just 10 min.

While on the other hand, we get 7 hours of playback on a single charge and 21 hours more with a case in boAt Airdopes 111. It also has considerable fast charging. and the capacities are 40mAh and 350mAh for buds and cases accordingly.

Sound Comparison

ProductboAt Airdopes 111boAt Airdopes 141
Drivers size13mm8mm
ImpedanceNot MentionedNot mentioned
SensitivityNot MentionedNot mentioned
Bass QualityGoodGood

The sound clarity of both earbuds is similar to their peers. boAt Airdopes 141 have additional ENx technology that makes the calling experience better but boAt Airdopes is equally clear without ENx mode. The sound of boAt Airdopes 141 feels heavy and rich in bass, and a well-balanced equalizer. However, in Airdopes 111, It is very little different and louder. In the end, we do not have much to say about it. The only significant difference is loudness due to 13mm drivers in boAt Airdopes 111.

Please note that the loudness in Airdopes 141 is not lower. It is exactly a little more than what we need so it is not fair to underestimate it. It has Beast mode for gaming, and ENx technology but has a price hike as well. Both earbuds do the noise cancellation significantly.

Activities Comparison

ProductboAt Airdopes 111boAt Airdopes 141

Price & Price range Comparison

boAt Airdopes 111 Price range: The maximum price ever seen is Rs 2999/-while the minimum price ever seen is Rs 1299/-. boAt Airdopes 111 is good to buy for under RS 1400/-.

boAt Airdopes 141 Price range: The maximum price ever seen is Rs 4499/-while the minimum price ever seen is Rs 999/-. boAt Airdopes 141 is good to buy for under RS 1500/-.

ProductboAt Airdopes 111boAt Airdopes 141
Max. Price2999 Rs4499 Rs
Min. Price1299 Rs999 Rs
Good to buy under1400 Rs1500 Rs
Current Price

Final Words

In the end, we would like to say, both earbuds are awesome to buy at their prices. The buds are very compact and lightweight. However, if you want little effective ones that serve you value for the amount, you should probably go for boAt Airdopes 141. The buds feel solid, lightweight, and professional, and have better battery life.

boAt Airdopes 141 vs 111 Comparison which is better

Both earbuds are tough competitors to each other. Airdopes 111 misses very few important features considering today’s time. The features like water resistance, and Gaming mode is not much needed but are very common nowadays and so Airdopes 141 are equipped with them.

boAt Airdopes 111 will give you comfort, secure fit, awesome boAt signature sound, Deep bass, and balance. While on the other hand the same is packed in Airdopes 111 too with little goodness.

boAt Airdopes 111boAt Airdopes 141

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People Also Ask

What are the main differences between boat Airdopes 141 and boat Airdopes 111?

differences that matters lie in the build quality, design, connectivity, battery, and sound quality where boAt Airdopes 141 stands dominant.

What is the matte finish?

The dull and less shiny surface of the product is termed a matte finish.

What is a glossy finish?

The smoother and shiny surface of the product is termed a glossy finish.

How to claim the warranty for boAt earbuds?

First, register your device on the brand’s website. Dial the phone number provided on the warranty card/ website, and follow the instructions given by the customer support team.

Which earbuds are perfect for gaming?

boAt Airdopes 141 has dedicated Beast mode for gaming, Hence it is better for gaming.

Which earbuds are perfect for gym and sports?

Both earbuds are perfect for gym and sports activities being lightweight and secure fit.

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