Soundcore R500 vs realme Buds comparison which is better?

Are you planning to buy Bluetooth neckband earphones soon? We are pretty sure you have done a lot of research about which one is the best neckband under 2K rupees. As mentioned in the title, both neckbands are of top-notch quality and value. But, ultimately it might be a little difficult to decide for which one to buy. To ease the decision, we are presenting Soundcore R500 vs realme Buds comparison, which will help you to make a better approach.

By reading this article, you will be able to decide which neckband is better for you to buy. We will compare all the points, good and bad of the neckband. We assume, like all the audience, your priorities are sound quality, call quality, connectivity, battery life, charging, and most importantly durability.

Soundcore R500 vs realme Buds comparison which is better?

Soundcore R500 vs realme Buds comparison
Soundcore R500 vs realme Buds comparison
ProductSoundcore by Anker R500realme Buds
Model NameR500Buds
Type of Earphonesin-Earin-Ear
Highlight FactorRich and immersive soundRich and immersive sound
Connects withBluetoothBluetooth
Warranty1 Year1 Year
Launch Date10 May 20223 October 2019
Global ratings3.5⭐ out of 54⭐ out of 5

Build Quality Comparison

ProductSoundcore by Anker R500realme Buds
Built withPlasticSilicone
IPX ratingIPX5IPX4
Magnetic earbudsNoYes
Controls3 buttons controls3 buttons & magnetic earpieces

Observing the build quality of Soundcore R500, we get a Premium look and design in Soundcore by Anker R500. The neckband feels like a very expensive one. It is strong and Plastic built with a metallic finish on the body. It has an IPX5 mark for water resistance. Like all the premium products it feels so durable with a stunning body. The earbuds do not have fins but are lightweight enough for a snug fit.

While on the other hand, we get a super sleek, premium, and lightweight body in realme Buds. The earbuds have magnets in them which makes them lock around the neck when not in use. The neckband is made with silicon and an outer finish of the metal. It is an ultra-durable neckband that will last longer. The earbuds are lightweight and have fins for a secure sticky fit inside the ears

Connectivity Comparison

ProductSoundcore by Anker R500realme Buds
Bluetooth versionBT5.0BT5.0
Bluetooth range10m10m
I/O PortsType-C portType-C port
Dual PairingNoNo

Surprisingly, Soundcore R500, being a current generation neckband, gets all the same features as realme buds, Both the neckbands have Bluetooth v5.0 for seamless connectivity and this is all. No dual pairing, and no ultra-low latency mode. This makes these two inferior to other of their peers. The features are demanded and quite useful nowadays.

Battery & Charging Comparison

ProductSoundcore by Anker R500realme Buds
Battery Capacity195mAhNot mentioned
Playback time20 hours12 hours
Charging time1 hour1 hour
Fast chargingYes (10 min charge; 3 hours playback)Yes (10 min charge; 100 mins playback)
Charging PortType-CType-C

In the Soundcore by Anker R500, we get a decent 20 hours of battery life i. The fast charging is very significant to make it ready for 3 hours in just 10 min of charging. Overall it is good in terms of battery and charging. But there is comparatively more in current generation neckbands.

Talking of the realme buds, we get a decent 12 hours of battery life which is enough for 2-3 days of usage. Fast charging does a fantastic role in charging it quickly. It is great but not better. Just a little behind from Soundcore R500 in terms of battery and charging.

Sound Comparison

ProductSoundcore by Anker R500realme Buds
Drivers size10mm11.2mm
ImpedanceNot mentionedNot mentioned
SensitivityNot mentionedNot mentioned
FrequencyNot mentionedNot mentioned
Bass QualityBetterGood

In terms of sound quality, we found the Anker R500’s Soundcore to be more punchy. As it is a premium and experienced brand. It shines in the international market. It fits great with all western styles be it pop, rock, jazz, or anything else. The factor in which it falls backward is loudness. Everything is good in it. But in terms of loudness, the realme buds have some decent improvements.

Talking of the sound quality, we notice approximately the same clarity and sharpness in the realme buds. The earbuds are louder, clear, and more bassy. The balance could not be defined to be better but different and more focused on western music. The balance of the audio will give you an immersive experience throughout all genres of music.

Activities Comparison

ProductSoundcore by Anker R500realme Buds

Price & Price range Comparison

ProductSoundcore by Anker R500realme Buds
Max PriceRs 1899/-Rs 2199/-
Min PriceRs 1799/-Rs 999/-
Good to buy for/underRs 2000/-Rs 1500/-
Current Price

Soundcore by Anker R500 Price range: The maximum price has ever seen for Soundcore by Anker R500 is Rs 1899/- while the minimum price is Rs 1799/-, It is best to buy under Rs 2000/-

realme buds Price range: The maximum price has ever seen for realme Buds is Rs 2199/- while the minimum price is Rs 999/-, It is best to buy under Rs 1500/-


So if you are looking for a better neckband between these two, realme buds neckbands are the answer. Why? Because of its overall goodness in Build quality, sound, and user experience. If you ask us for sound quality, Soundcore R500 can not be considered better but different. realme buds neckband is also great with it.

Soundcore R500 vs realme Buds comparison which is better
Soundcore R500 vs realme Buds comparison which is better

It has magnetic earbuds controls and a lightweight and sleek design which will further add to the comfort while long music sessions. After all, you can see the Performance ratings in the last-second last table with the stars provided.

So if the battery life difference of 8 hours does not matter to you that much, realme buds is a better neckband than Soundcore R500. Perhaps this is the only thing that might feel low to you. but in Soundcore R500, the neckband will feel hectic initially when wearing it. Of course, both neckbands will provide you with a secure fit inside the ears.

Soundcore by Anker R500realme Buds

Best Neckband Earphones

Best Earbuds

People Also Ask

What are the main differences in Soundcore R500 vs realme Buds comparison?

The main differences are:
1. Build Quality- Magnetic earbuds, design
2. Battery-Playback time, Fast charging
3. Audio-Sound Quality, Loudness
4. Price

Which neckband is perfect for gaming?

Although none of these neckbands are made for gaming, you can enjoy games with some latency in both neckbands.

Which neckband is perfect for gym and sports?

realme buds neckband is lightweight and provides a secure fit into the ear, hence it is better for gym and sports.

How to claim the warranty for wireless neckbands?

First, register your device on the brand’s website. Dial the phone number provided on the warranty card/ website, and follow the instructions given by the customer support team.

Is Bluetooth v5.0 too old now?

Considering the newest version 5.2, Bluetooth v5.0 does the job perfectly, so it is not old.

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