boAt Airdopes 175 vs Boult Audio AirBass X1 comparison which is better?

boAt Airdopes 175 vs Boult Audio AirBass X1 comparison

Are you looking to buy great-looking cool earbuds for your earphone needs? There are a lot of earbuds that customers get confused about choosing. Two of those earbuds are grabbing the attention of most buyers nowadays and we are pretty sure that you are here to find the best of these two. So we are presenting you boAt … Read more

Boult Audio AirBass X1 vs FX1 Comparison which is better?

Boult Audio AirBass X1 vs FX1 Comparison

Are you looking to buy wireless earbuds? That seems cool because the trend is so popular nowadays. Everyone loves the wireless life because it does not bother us so much. If you are searching for earbuds, it is very much expected that you like both of these earbuds and you are not sure which one … Read more

boAt Airdopes 181 vs Boult Audio AirBass X1 comparison which is better?

boAt Airdopes 181 vs Boult Audio AirBass X1 comparison

Are you looking for wireless earbuds full of class and light on a budget? There are plenty of such earbuds due to high competition in the Indian audio market. Due to numerous options, people are finding it difficult to decide which one is better to go with. Two such sets of earbuds are Boult Audio AirBass X1 … Read more

oppo Enco buds vs Boult Audio AirBass X1 comparison which is better?

oppo Enco buds vs Boult Audio AirBass X1 comparison

Are you looking for wireless earbuds full of class and light on a budget? There are plenty of such earbuds due to high competition in the Indian audio market. Due to numerous options, people are finding it difficult to decide which one is better to go with. Two such sets of earbuds are Oppo Enco … Read more

boAt Airdopes 141 vs Boult Audio AirBass X1 Comparison which is better?

boAt Airdopes 141 vs Boult Audio AirBass X1 Comparison

Are you looking to buy wireless earbuds for your earphone needs? Earbuds that fit your budget and provide exceptional value for their price! You are very probably here to check this recent launch from Boult Audio and want to know if this is better than the most popular earlier launches. To answer this, we are … Read more