boAt Airdopes 121 Pro vs 141 comparison which is better & Why?

Need wireless earbuds for your small budget? Recently boAt has launched Airdopes 121 Pro which is the successor of Airdopes 121v2. Since its launch, people have been comparing the most popular Airdopes 141. Many people want to know better so for better understanding, we are here with boAt Airdopes 121 Pro vs 141 comparison.

We will look at both earbuds in terms of their build quality, sound quality, connectivity, battery and charging, and the overall value for which you should buy these earbuds. If you want to know the simple answer, you can scroll down to the conclusion and see which one is the better option.

boAt Airdopes 121 Pro vs 141 comparison which is better?

boAt Airdopes 121 Pro vs 141 comparison
boAt Airdopes 121 Pro vs 141 comparison
ProductboAt Airdopes 121 ProboAt Airdopes 141
Model NameAirdopes 121 ProAirdopes 141
Type of Earphonesin-Earin-Ear
Highlight FactorExcellent valueValue for money
Connects withBluetoothBluetooth
Warranty1 Year1 Year
Launch Date19 July 202244403
Global ratings4⭐ out of 54⭐ out of 5

Build Quality Comparison

ProductboAt Airdopes 121 ProboAt Airdopes 141
Built withStrong PlasticStrong Plastic
IPX ratingIPX4IPX4
Battery life IndicatorYesYes
ControlsTouch ControlsTouch Controls
Weight3.5g for buds, 43g for case5g for buds, 50g for case

Here are some differences! As you can see in the pictures, the boAt Airdopes 121 Pro is lighter and smaller than the boAt Airdopes 141. Another difference is the battery life indicator you see. Built-wise, both the earbuds are similar and in terms of design, it is the 121 Pro that is better. Also, both the Airdopes 121 Pro and Airdopes 141 are rated IPX4 for protection against water which is pretty good.

We can say Airdopes 121 Pro is a little better in terms of build quality.

Connectivity comparison

ProductboAt Airdopes 121 ProboAt Airdopes 141
Bluetooth versionv5.3v5.0
Bluetooth range10m10m
I/O PortsType-C port for chargingType-C port for charging
Dual PairingNoNo
IWP tech.YesYes

As for connectivity, we see here that the Airdopes 121 Pro is far ahead of the Airdopes 141. Thanks to the latest Bluetooth v5.3 and 65ms ultra-low latency, the competition by the BT5.0 and the Airdopes 141’s 80ms low latency. Dual pairing is very rare. and could not be found in either of these two sets.

Battery & Charging comparison

ProductboAt Airdopes 121 ProboAt Airdopes 141
Battery Capacity40mAh for buds, 400mAh for case30mAh for buds; 600mAh for case
Playback time8 hours for buds, 32 hours for the case6 hrs for buds; 36 hrs for case
Charging time30 min for buds; 1.5 hrs for case1 hr for buds; 2 hrs for case
Fast chargingYes; 10 min = 120 min playbackYes; 10 min = 150 min playback
Charging PortType-CType-C

From a battery and charging point of view, we see the boAt Airdopes 121 Pro again as a slightly better figure. The only noticeable difference is the battery life of the earbuds. The Airdopes 121 Pro lasts for over 7 hours and the case lasts up to 32 hours longer. Whereas in Airdopes the 141 earbuds last more than 5 hours and the case can charge the earbuds up to 5 times.

Fast charging is faster in Airdopes 141 so it depends on what people prefer the most. They have to pick a little fast charging or little longer battery life.

Sound quality comparison

ProductboAt Airdopes 121 ProboAt Airdopes 141
Drivers size10mm8mm
Bass QualityBetterGood

Sound quality Again, we see that the 10mm microwoofers in the boAt Airdopes 121 deliver HD audio that’s faster than the Airdopes 141. Bass quality and clarity can be considered equally good. The Airdopes 141 has a better audio balance but this can be tackled with custom equalizer settings via your audio player app. We can say that Airdopes 121 Pro once again wins here.

One more thing to mention is that Airdopes 121 Pro is louder than 141 and you can hear them at 50% volumes. However, for Airdopes 141 you will have to increase the volume up to 70% to hear properly. This will affect the battery life of the earbuds too. The battery life reduces to 3 hours.

For call quality, we tested both earbuds and found that both are equally good for calling, and for Passive Noise cancellation, we found Airdopes 141 is a little better in noise cancellation.

Performance comparison

ProductboAt Airdopes 121 ProboAt Airdopes 141

Price & Price Range comparison

ProductboAt Airdopes 121 ProboAt Airdopes 141
Max. PriceRs 1299/-Rs 4499/-
Min. PriceRs 999/-Rs 999/-
Good to buy underRs 1500/-Rs 1500/-
Current Price

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Final verdict

From the above comparisons, we can clearly say that boAt Airdopes 121 Pro is better in terms of quality and value. People are preferring boAt Airdopes 141 more these days due to high ratings. However, they are ignoring what they are getting in Airdopes 121 Pro.

boAt Airdopes 121 Pro vs 141 comparison-The bertter one
This is the better one!

Airdopes 121 Pro is better than Airdopes 141 in every aspect. These are the earbuds for Music, Gaming, and Sports all alone. For music, it is better because these are louder at optimum volumes. Gaming is also good as it has 65ms ultra-low latency. And these are lightweight enough for sports as well.

Airdopes 141 is also non-comparable in terms of audience favor and wins. But from the quality and the latest upgrades in technology, we recommend 121 Pro if it is cheaper than Airdopes 141. In the rest cases, both are equally good.

The simple line is that if you buy Airdopes 121 Pro, you won’t miss the quality, but if you pick 141, you will miss the battery life of the earbuds. These are not loud enough at optimum volumes. Even in audio, these are better.

boAt Airdopes 141boAt Airdopes 121 Pro

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