boAt Rockerz 255 Pro Plus vs 330 Pro Comparison which is better?

Whenever we buy something, we always compare such products which are in the same budget. That’s why I know you are confused between boAt Rockerz 255 Pro Plus and 330 Pro. We are presenting boAt Rockerz 255 Pro Plus vs 330 Pro Comparison.

Here I am sharing a complete analysis of build quality, sound quality, call quality, battery, specification & feature, and many more.

After reading this analysis, you will be able to choose which one is better for you between boAt Rockerz 255 Pro Plus and boAt Rockerz 330 Pro.

boAt Rockerz 255 Pro Plus vs 330 Pro Comparison which is better?

boAt Rockerz 255 Pro Plus vs 330 Pro Comparison
boAt Rockerz 255 Pro Plus vs 330 Pro Comparison
FeaturesboAt Rockerz 255 Pro PlusboAt Rockerz 330 Pro
Type of EarphoneWireless NeckbandWireless Neckband
Bluetooth Version5.05.2
Range of Bluetooth10M Class II10M
Battery Capacity (mAh) 300 mAh150 mAh*2
Playback time40 Hours60 hours (at 60% volume)
Charging time1 Hour1 Hour
Driver Size10mm*210mm*2
Magnetic EarbudsYesYes
Charging Cable TypeUSB Type CUSB Type C
Dedicated MicrophoneYesYes
Fast Charging SupportYes (10 minutes charging =10 Hours Playback)Yes (10 minutes charging = 20 Hours Playback)
ENx TechnologyNoYes
Warranty1 Year1 Year

Build Quality

Build QualityboAt Rockerz 255 Pro PlusboAt Rockerz 330 Pro
can the length of the wire be adjusted?NoNo
Button & Indication control“➕”,”➖”, Power/MFB Button, Indicator Light, Mic, Type-C USB port“➕”,”➖”, “⏮”, “⏭”,”⏯📞” buttons with indication light, Mic, Aux port, Type-C USB port
is it comfortable to wear?YesYes
Color OptionVariousVarious
Does it have magnetic earbuds?YesYes

In the case of build quality, there is no clear difference between boAt Rockerz 255 Pro Plus and boAt Rockerz 330 Pro.

Here we get the same result in both the wireless neckband earphones.

Connectivity: boAt Rockerz 255 Pro Plus vs 330 Pro

FeatureboAt Rockerz 255 Pro PlusboAt Rockerz 330 Pro
I/O PortsType C PortType C Port
Wireless ConnectivityBluetooth v5.0Bluetooth v5.2
Bluetooth Range10 meter10 meter

The difference is Bluetooth. boAt rockerz 255 Pro plus has Bluetooth v5.0 whereas boAt rockerz 330 pro has the latest Bluetooth v5.2.

In this case, boAt rockerz 330 pro is the winner.

boAt Rockerz 330 Pro Neckband Earphones
boAt Rockerz 330 Pro Neckband Earphones

Battery Capacity

FeatureboAt Rockerz 255 Pro PlusboAt Rockerz 330 Pro
Battery Capacity (mAh)300 mAh150 mAh*2
Playback time40 Hours60 hours (at 60% volume)
Time for a full charge1 Hour1 Hour
ASAP charge10 minutes charge = 10 Hours battery backup10 minutes charge = 20 Hours battery backup
Charging PortType C PortType C Port

boAt rockerz 255 Pro Plus has more battery capacity than boat rockerz 330 pro. But boat rockerz 330 pro has given 60 hours of battery backup at 60% volume.

Both neckband earphone has an ASAP fast charging feature. boAt rockerz 255 pro plus has “10 minutes charge = 10 Hours battery backup” and boat rockerz 330 pro has “10 minutes charge = 20 Hours battery backup“.

Here is a little complicate situation for deciding the winner.

In this case, decide the winner by yourself.

boAt Rockerz 255 Pro Plus Neckband Earphones
boAt Rockerz 255 Pro Plus Neckband Earphones

Sound Quality

FeatureboAt Rockerz 255 Pro PlusboAt Rockerz 330 Pro
Sensitivity (dB)-98dB±3DB-98dB +3dB
Frequency Response20Hz-20KHz20Hz-20000Hz
Driver Size10 mm10 mm
Does it have a dedicated microphone?YesYes
Voice assistantYesYes
Bass qualityAbove Average bassAbove Average bass

Be it the boat rockerz 255 pro plus or boat rockerz 330 pro, both are the same in case of sound quality. There is a slight difference between boAt Rockerz 255 Pro Plus and boAt Rockerz 330 Pro in sound quality.

boAt Rockerz 330 Pro is the winner here in this scenario.

boAt Rockerz 255 Pro Plus vs 330 Pro Price Comparison

I have picked the prices of both earphones here from amazon.

ProductboAt Rockerz 255 Pro PlusboAt Rockerz 330 Pro
Maximum PriceRs 1599/-Rs 1699/-
Minimum PriceRs 1199/-Rs 1499/-
Good to buy underRs 1500/-Rs 1500/-
Current Price

Check out the best wireless earphones under 1500 budget


Overall both the boat rockerz earphones are good. There is only a slight difference in that boAt Rockerz 330 Pro has the latest Bluetooth v5.2, ENx technology, and beast mode.

boAt rockerz 330 Pro has some enhancement that you can actually look into it. The price is almost the same for both neckband earphones. So if you want to buy one of them then I recommend you to buy the boat rockerz 330 pro.

But if you have already purchased the boat rockerz 255 pro plus then you do not need to upgrade to boat rockerz 255 pro plus.

boAt Rockerz 255 Pro PlusboAt Rockerz 330 Pro

Don’t Miss

Frequently Asked Question

Is boAt Rockerz 255 Pro Plus vs 330 Pro waterproof?

Yes, boAt Rockerz 255 Pro Plus has IPX5, and boAt Rockerz 330 Pro has IPX7.

Do both earphones have a dedicated microphone?


Which is better in boat rockerz 255 pro + vs boat rockerz 330 pro?

boAt Rockerz 330 Pro.

What are the main differences between boAt rockerz 255 Pro plus and boAt rockerz 330 pro?

Here are the differences –
boAt Rockerz 330 Pro has the latest Bluetooth v5.2, ENx technology, and beast mode.

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