Oppo Enco Buds vs Oppo Enco Buds 2 Comparison which is better?

Recently the oppo brand launched the oppo Enco Buds 2 in August 2022 which is the successor of oppo Enco Buds which was launched in February 2022. After launching oppo Enco Buds 2, many people are searching for oppo Enco buds vs oppo Enco Buds 2 comparison for better clarity to choose one of them.

So we will analyze the based on build & design, connectivity, battery & charging performances, sound quality & call quality, and price. After this guide, you have better clarity for choosing one in between oppo Enco buds and oppo Enco buds 2.

Oppo Enco Buds vs Oppo Enco Buds 2 Comparison which is better & Why?

Analyzing the Oppo Enco Buds vs Oppo Enco Buds 2 Comparison
Analyzing the Oppo Enco Buds vs Oppo Enco Buds 2 Comparison
Productoppo Enco budsoppo Enco buds 2
Model NameEnco budsEnco buds 2
Type of Earphonesin-Earin-Ear
Design of EarbudsBeads/ Pearl ShapeStem Shape
Highlight FactorOverall PremiumOverall Premium
Connects withBluetoothBluetooth
Warranty1 Year1 Year
Launch Date13 February 202231 August 2022
Global ratings4⭐ out of 54.4⭐ out of 5

We are all section one by one for you to understand in a better way. Let’s start now.

Build & Design

Productoppo Enco budsoppo Enco buds 2
Type of Earphonein-Earin-Ear
Design of EarbudsBeads/ Pearl ShapeStem Shape
Built withStrong PlasticStrong Plastic
IPX ratingIP54IPX4
Battery life IndicatorSingle LEDSingle LED
ControlsTouch controlsTouch Controls
Weight4g for earbuds, 37g for case4g for buds, 30g for case

In the above table, you can get ideas of what the difference is there between oppo Enco Buds and oppo Enco Buds 2. The Oppo Enco Buds is Beads/ Pearl Shape whereas the Oppo Enco Buds 2 is Stem shape and another Oppo Enco Buds 2 is more lightweight than Oppo Enco Buds.

build and design of oppo enco buds on right vs oppo enco buds 2 on left
build and design of oppo enco buds (Right) vs oppo enco buds 2 (Left)

Overall both earbuds are the same apart from the design of the earbuds and charging case. So there is no huge difference that we make our mind to say better in the build & design part.

You can choose accordingly. Whatever suits you, you can choose one of them whether it be beads or stem shape earbuds.

Related | Stem Shape Earbuds vs Beads/ Pearl Shape Earbuds


Productoppo Enco budsoppo Enco buds 2
Bluetooth versionv5.24v5.2
Bluetooth range10m10m
I/O PortsType-C port for chargingType-C port for charging
Dual PairingNoNo
IWP tech.YesYes

In the above table, you can get an idea of the differences. There are no huge differences in the connectivity part. So this area is not the deciding factor to say which is the better one.

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Battery & Charging Performances

Productoppo Enco budsoppo Enco buds 2
Battery Capacity40mAh for buds, 400mAh for case40mAh for buds, 460mAh for case
Playback time6 hrs for buds; 18 hrs for case7 hours for buds, 28 hours of total playback time.
Charging time2 hrs for buds; 2.5 hrs for case1.5 hours for buds, 3+ hours for the case
Fast chargingNo10 minutes = 1 hour of playback time
Charging PortType-CType-C

This is the area we can say is the deciding factor existing here. Oppo Enco buds have a 400mAh battery capacity which is less than oppo Enco buds 2 have a 460mAh battery capacity.

The oppo Enco buds give 6 hours for buds and 18 hours for charging case playback time while on the other hand, we get 7 hours for buds and 28 hours of total playback time in oppo Enco buds 2 which is better than oppo Enco buds.

In this way, we found that Oppo Enco buds 2 is better than Oppo Enco buds.

Sound & Call Quality

Productoppo Enco budsoppo Enco buds 2
Drivers size8mm10mm
Sensitivity100.6dB @ 1kHz101dB @ 1 kHz
Bass QualityGoodBetter
Noise Cancellation for CallingIntelligent Call Noise CancellationAI Deep Noise Cancellation for Calls

The oppo Enco Buds has an 8mm audio driver size whereas the oppo Enco Buds 2 has a 10mm audio driver. The bass and loudness in Oppo Enco Buds 2 is better in comparison to the bass and loudness in oppo Enco buds.

Talking about the call quality, oppo Enco Buds has Intelligent Call Noise Cancellation whereas Oppo Enco buds 2 has AI Deep Noise Cancellation.

The overall oppo Enco Buds 2 is better than the oppo Enco Buds in the sound and call quality.

Price Comparison

Productoppo Enco budsoppo Enco buds 2
Max. PriceRs 2199/-Rs 1799/-
Min. PriceRs 1599/-Rs 1799/-
Good to buy underRs 1700/-Rs 2000/-
Current Price

oppo Enco buds: The maximum price ever seen for Oppo Enco Buds is Rs 2199/- while the minimum price is Rs 1599/-. The earbuds are best to buy for under Rs 1700/-.

oppo Enco buds 2: The highest and the lowest price has been recorded as 1799 Rs. Because it is a newly launched earbud in August 2022. The best-buy price is under 2000.

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Wrapping Up

Till now, if you read the above content for clarity between the oppo Enco buds and oppo Enco Buds 2 differences, then I am sure you will understand which one is better. First of all the price is almost the same for both earbuds.

Build & Design is the difference between both earbuds. Oppo Enco buds have a bead shape whereas Oppo Enco buds 2 has a stem shape. So you can select according to your preferences.

The sound & call quality and battery performance in Oppo Enco buds 2 is better than the sound & call quality and battery performance in Oppo Enco buds.

So we are going with the oppo Enco buds 2 because it has better specifications in comparison to the oppo Enco Buds.

oppo Enco budsoppo Enco buds 2

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Frequently Asked Question

What is the shape of oppo Enco Buds?

The shape of oppo Enco Buds is in-Ear Beads Shape.

What is the shape of oppo Enco Buds 2?

The shape of oppo Enco Buds 2 is an in-Ear Stem Shape.

What are the main differences between oppo Enco buds and oppo Enco buds 2?

The main differences between oppo Enco buds and oppo Enco buds 2 are of build & design, Battery performance, and sound & call quality. The oppo Enco buds 2 is better in battery performance, sound quality, and call quality.

Are OPPO Enco Buds waterproof?

Yes, Oppo Enco buds is waterproof with IP54 rated.

Does OPPO Enco Buds 2 have Dolby Atmos?

Yes, Oppo Enco Buds 2 have Dolby Atmos.

How can I customize the basic function in Oppo Enco buds 2?

You can customize the basic functions in oppo Enco buds 2 through HeyMelody App.

How long does the OPPO Enco Buds last?

Oppo Enco Buds has a playback of 6 hrs for buds and 18 hrs for case at 50% volume.

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