JBL Tune 230NC vs OnePlus Buds Z2 Comparison Which is better & why?

Those who want to buy premium earbuds for around 5000 Budget but are stuck between JBL Tune 230NC vs OnePlus Buds Z2 should find their winner after reading this JBL Tune 230NC vs OnePlus Buds Z2 Comparison guide.

The focus is on analyzing the comparison of build quality, connectivity, sound quality, call quality, and price. After grilling all the aspects of both earbuds, you can decide to choose the better one. Let’s deep dive into this comparison guide.

JBL Tune 230NC vs OnePlus Buds Z2 Comparison: An overview

JBL Tune 230NC vs OnePlus Buds Z2 Comparison which is better
JBL Tune 230NC vs OnePlus Buds Z2 Comparison
ProductJBL Tune 230NCOnePlus Buds Z2
Model NameTune 230NCBuds Z2
Type of Earphonesin-Earin-Ear
Design of EarbudsStem ShapeStem Shape
Highlight FactorPremiumPremium
Connects withBluetooth v5.2Bluetooth v5.2
App SupportJBL HeadphonesHeyMelody
Warranty1 Year1 Year
Launch Date02 May 202217 January 2022
Global ratings4.8⭐ out of 54.2⭐ out of 5

Build & Design Comparison

ProductJBL Tune 230NCOnePlus Buds Z2
Type of Earphonein-Earin-Ear
Design of EarbudsLong Stem ShapeLong Stem Shape
Built withPremium QualityPremium Quality
IPX ratingIPX4IP55
Battery life IndicatorThree LEDsSingle LED
ControlsTouch controlsTouch Controls

JBL Tune 230NC is a matte finish body with suitcase shape charging case and in-ear stem-shaped earbuds. The JBL earbuds are longer than the OnePlus Buds Z2 which you can see clearly in given below image.

JBL Tune 230NC vs OnePlus Buds Z2 Charging case and Buds Design Review
JBL Tune 230NC vs OnePlus Buds Z2 Charging case and Buds Design Review

On the other hand, we have the OnePlus Buds Z2 which is a glossy finish with capsule shaped charging case and in-ear stem shape earbuds. OnePlus Buds Z2 is more pocket friendly than JBL Tune 230NC because of the small capsule-size charging case.

JBL Tune 230NC vs OnePlus Buds Z2 Buds Build and Design Look
JBL Tune 230NC vs OnePlus Buds Z2 Buds Build and Design

There are no major differences here in the build & design part which gives you a clear idea of what to choose or what to not. But you can prefer it as both have different shapes of charging cases.

Connectivity Comparison

ProductJBL Tune 230NCOnePlus Buds Z2
Bluetooth versionv5.2v5.2
Bluetooth range10m10m
I/O PortsType-C port for chargingType-C port for charging
Gaming ExperienceGoodBetter
in-Ear DetectionNoYes
IWP tech.YesYes
Google Fast PairingYesYes
DOLBY AtmosNoYes

The main differences between JBL Tune 230NC and OnePlus Buds Z2 are the in-Ear detection, DOLBY Atmos, and gaming experience. OnePlus Buds Z2 is better that JBL Tune 230NC in these three areas such as in-Ear detection, Gaming experience, and DOLBY Atmos.

So the winner is the OnePlus Buds Z2 here in the connectivity part.

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Battery & Charging Performances Comparison

ProductJBL Tune 230NCOnePlus Buds Z2
Battery Capacity70mAh for buds, 750mAh for case40mAh for buds, 520mAh for case
Playback time7 hours for Buds, 40 hours of total playback time.5 hours for buds, 38 hours of total playback time.
Charging time2 hours for the caseNA
Fast charging10 minutes = 2 hours of playback time10 minutes = 5 hours of playback time
Charging PortType-CType-C

The JBL Tune 230NC has better battery capacity and performance than the OnePlus Buds Z2. JBL Tune 230NC has 70mAh for buds and a 750mAh battery capacity for the case. JBL provides a total playback time of 40 hours and 7 hours for earbuds.

Overall you can decide which one is better by the above table. So the winner is JBL Tune 230NC here.

Sound & Call Quality Comparison

ProductJBL Tune 230NCOnePlus Buds Z2
Drivers size6mm11mm
Bass QualityBetterGood
Talk ThruYesNo
ANC/ AmbientYesYes
Mics4 mics6 Mics with ENC

This is an area that is deciding factor in any earbuds. JBL Tune 230NC has a 6mm audio driver whereas the OnePlus Buds Z2 has an 11mm audio driver. In the clarity part, JBL is better than OnePlus whereas OnePlus is better than JBL in Loudness.

Coming to the bass part, JBL has full customization access to bass and sound through their JBL Headphones App where you can set your sound preferences whereas OnePlus does not have that much customization in the HeyMelody App. JBL has better bass. Both earbuds have ANC and Ambient mode which works well in both earbuds.

For a better calling experience, JBL Tune 230NC has 4 mics whereas the OnePlus Buds Z2 has 6 mics with ENC. JBL Tune 230NC has Talk Thru mode which the OnePlus Buds Z2 does not have.

Overall, the OnePlus Buds Z2 is better than JBL Tune 230NC in sound and call quality parts.

Price Comparison

ProductJBL Tune 230NCOnePlus Buds Z2
Max. PriceRs 6399/-Rs 5999/-
Min. PriceRs 4799/-Rs 4499/-
Good to buy underRs 5500/-Rs 5000/-
Check Current Price

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Wrapping Up: Conclusion

This is the guide on JBL Tune 230NC vs OnePlus Buds Z2 Comparison Which is better & why. Overall we have found the OnePlus Buds Z2 is a good earbud with features and value for price points. But if you are a lover and want to feel JBL sound signature then you can go with this JBL Tune 230NC.

I hope it helps you to choose a better one. Let us know in the comment section which one are you going to buy. We have covered earbuds under 5000 and TWS earbuds under 6000, in earlier posts that you can check out too.

JBL Tune 230NCOnePlus Buds Z2

Check out the JBL Tune 230NC User Manual Pdf

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Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the best value for money between JBL Tune 230NC and OnePlus Buds Z2?

OnePlus Buds Z2 is the value for money earbuds.

What is Talk Thru Mode in JBL Tune 230NC?

The talk Thru feature gives you a special feature that helps you to talk without putting music on pause.

If you have still any queries or doubts related to JBL Tune 230NC vs OnePlus Buds Z2, feel free to comment your thoughts below in the comment section.

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