boAt Airdopes 413 ANC vs boAt Airdopes 411 ANC Comparison: Which is better?

With the launch of boAt Airdopes 413 ANC, There is a lot of confusion between boAt Airdopes 413 ANC and boAt Airdopes 411 ANC. Many of you are in confusion that which one to choose in boAt Airdopes 413 ANC vs boAt Airdopes 411 ANC. Let’s start discussing which one is better and why. We compare the based on build quality, connectivity, battery, charging performance, sound quality, and price.

Detailed Review:

boAt Airdopes 413 ANC vs boAt Airdopes 411 ANC Comparison: Which is better?

boAt Airdopes 413 ANC vs boAt Airdopes 411 ANC comparison Analysis
boAt Airdopes 413 ANC vs boAt Airdopes 411 ANC
FeaturesboAt Airdopes 413 ANCboAt Airdopes 411 ANC
Type of earphonesin-Earin-Ear
Bluetooth Versionv5.2v5.2
Range of Bluetooth10M10M
IWP techYesYes
Battery Capacity (mAh)300mAh (Case),
37mAh x 2 buds
300mAh (Case),
37mAh x 2 buds
Playback timeUp to 17.5 Hours (with the case, at 60% volume)Up to 17.5 Hours (with a case, at 60% volume)
Charging time1.5 hours of earbuds,
2 hours case
1.5 hours of earbuds,
2 hours case
Driver Size10mm10mm
Charging Cable TypeUSB Type CUSB Type C
ANC ModeYesYes
Dedicated MicrophoneYesYes
ENx techYesYes
Fast Charging SupportYes (10 minutes charging = 60 minutes Playback)Yes (10 minutes charging = 60 minutes Playback)
Warranty1 Year1 Year

Related | Top 10 Best boAt wireless Earbuds in India (boAt Airdopes)

Build Quality Comparison

Build QualityboAt Airdopes 413 ANCboAt Airdopes 411 ANC
TWS Earbuds Typein-Earin-Ear
Earbuds DesignStem ShapeStem Shape
Battery Life IndicatorsSingle LED IndicatorSingle LED Indicator
Made up ofPremium PlasticPremium plastic
Button & Indication controlA capacitive touch area is provided on both earbudsA capacitive touch area is provided on both earbuds
Water/ Sweat ResistanceIPX4IPX4

If you check the build quality for both of the earbuds, you will find that there is no difference. But there is little difference in the shape of the charging case on the upper side. boAt Aridopes 413 ANC is a little curve from the upper side whereas boAt Airdopes 411 ANC is flat from the upper side of charging.

So the build quality is the same in both Airdopes 413 ANC and 411 ANC.

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Connectivity Comparison

FeatureboAt Airdopes 413 ANCboAt Airdopes 411 ANC
I/O PortsType C PortType C Port
Wireless ConnectivityBluetooth v5.2Bluetooth v5.2
Bluetooth Range10 meter10 meter
IWP techYesYes

Again, you notice the same feature in both the boAt Airdopes 413 ANC and 411 ANC. There is no difference between the boAt Airdopes 413 ANC and boAt Airdopes 411 ANC in the connectivity part.

Battery & Charging Performance Comparison

FeatureboAt Airdopes 413 ANCboAt Airdopes 411 ANC
Battery Capacity (mAh)300mAh (Case),
37mAh x 2 buds
300mAh (Case),
37mAh x 2 buds
Playback timeUp to 17.5 Hours (with the case, at 60% volume)Up to 17.5 Hours (with the case, at 60% volume)
Charging time1.5 hours of earbuds,
2 hours case
1.5 hours of earbuds,
2 hours case
ASAP chargeYes (10 minutes charging = 60 minutes Playback)Yes (10 minutes charging = 60 minutes Playback)
Charging PortType-C PortType-C Port
LED battery IndicatorSingle LED IndicatorSingle LED Indicator

Once again, there is no difference in both the boat Airdopes 413 ANC and 411 ANC in this part of the battery and charging performance.

This is also not a deciding factor to choose one.

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Sound Quality Comparison

FeatureboAt Airdopes 413 ANCboAt Airdopes 411 ANC
ENx TechnologyYesYes
Driver TypeDynamic DriversDynamic drivers
Driver Size10mm10mm
Dedicated microphone?YesYes
Voice assistantYesYes
Bass qualityDeep Bass (A little bit better than 411 ANC)Deep bass
Call QualityBetterBetter
Active Noise Cancellation (ANC)Yes (up to 25dB)Yes (up to 25dB)

This is the deciding factor where you can easily decide which one is better than another. The boat Airdopes 413 ANC has a little bit better bass and loudness than boAt Airdopes 411 ANC. Although both the airdopes have the same Driver Size of 10mm.

In the sound quality part, the boAt Airdopes 413 ANC is slightly better than boAt Airdopes 411 ANC.

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Price comparison

ProductboAt Airdopes 413 ANCboAt Airdopes 411 ANC
Highest PriceRs 2499/-Rs 2499/-
Lowest PriceRs 1799/-Rs 1699/-
Good to buy underRs 2500/-Rs 2200/-
Current Price

boAt Airdopes 413 ANC: The highest price has been recorded is 2499 and the lowest price is 1799. The best buy price to consider is under 2500.

boAt Airdopes 411 ANC: The highest price has been ever recorded is 2499 and the lowest price recorded was 1699. The best buy price is under 2000.

The Wrapping Up

In the final stage of the conclusion, we found a little bit of difference between boAt Airdopes 413 ANC and boAt Airdopes 411 ANC such boAt Airdopes 413 ANC has slightly better loudness and bass than boAt Airdopes 411 ANC. Apart from this, there is no difference.

So if you want to buy one of them, you can consider the boat Airdopes 413 ANC and the price is also not a barrier because both are available in the same price range mostly.

boAt Airdopes 413 ANCboAt Airdopes 411 ANC

Related | Why & How should you perform a factory reset in boAt Airdopes 413 ANC?

Download the user manual for both boAt Airdopes:

Frequently Asked Question

How to perform a factory reset in boAt Airdopes 411 ANC?

1. Place the earbuds inside the charging case properly.
2. Long touch both CTCs for 6 seconds until the charging case LED blinks 3 times as red color while the earbuds are inside the charging case.
3. And now close the lid, now re-open the lid.
Congratulations! Now you can try to perform a fresh connection as a first-time user does.

How to activate ANC in boat airdopes 413 ANC and 411 ANC?

Long touch either CTC for 2 seconds to activate ANC.

Which is better between boAt Airdopes 413 ANC and boAt Airdopes 411 ANC?

boAt Airdopes 413 ANC is better than boAt Airdopes 411 ANC.

What is the main difference between boAt Airdopes 413 ANC and boAt Airdopes 411 ANC?

The main difference between boAt Airdopes 413 ANC and boAt Airdopes 411 ANC is of bass and loudness part. boAt Airdopes 413 ANC has a little bit better bass and loudness than boAt Airdopes 411 ANC.

Is it worth buying the boAt Airdopes 411 ANC?

Yes, it is worth buying but if you get it under 2000 Rupees. Other than you can consider the boAt Airdopes 413 ANC.

How to pair in boAt Airdopes 413 ANC?

It is very easy to pair.
First of all, open the lid of boAt Airdopes 413 ANC charging case and go to your device Bluetooth setting.
Search Bluetooth and you will find “boAt Airdopes 413ANC”. Just tap to connect.
Now, whenever you want to connect, you do not need to connect manually, it will connect through IWP technology when you open the lid.

Are these boAt Airdopes good for gym and other sports activities?

Yes, these are a perfectly secure fit tws for the gym and other sports activities.

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