Realme Buds Air 3S vs OPPO Enco Buds 2 Comparison, Which is better?

Many of you are asking about Realme Buds Air 3S vs OPPO Enco Buds 2 Comparison because you all are confused to choose a better one. So we have come up with a comparison guide between realme Buds Air 3S and Oppo Enco Buds 2.

Here we have analyzed all the important aspects of the TWS earbuds you consider before buying. Based on our analysis and experience, you can make better decisions for buying a better one for yourself. Let’s deep dive into the comparison guide.

Realme Buds Air 3S vs OPPO Enco Buds 2 Comparison
Analyze Realme Buds Air 3S vs OPPO Enco Buds 2 Comparison

Realme Buds Air 3S vs OPPO Enco Buds 2 Comparison: Overview

Realme Buds Air 3S is a successor of realme Buds Air 3 so you can see a little bit of advancement in realme Buds Air 3S compared to realme Buds Air 3.

Oppo Enco Buds 2 is a successor of Oppo Enco Buds so there is a little bit of advanced feature in oppo Enco Buds 2 that you will see.

ProductRealme Buds Air 3Soppo Enco buds 2
Model NameBuds Air 3SEnco buds 2
Type of Earphonesin-Earin-Ear
Design of EarbudsStem ShapeStem Shape
Highlight FactorOverall PremiumOverall Premium
Connects withBluetooth v5.3Bluetooth v5.2
App Supportrealme Link AppHeyMelody
Warranty1 Year1 Year
Launch Date06 September 202225 August 2022
Global ratings4.4⭐ out of 54.3⭐ out of 5

Build & Design Comparison

ProductRealme Buds Air 3Soppo Enco buds 2
Type of Earphonein-Earin-Ear
Design of EarbudsShort Stem ShapeLong Stem Shape
Built withPremium Strong PlasticPremium Strong Plastic
IPX ratingIPX5IPX4
Battery life IndicatorSingle LEDSingle LED
ControlsTouch controlsTouch Controls
Left Side Realme Buds Air 3S VS Ride Side OPPO Enco Buds 2 Charging Case Design Comparison
Left Side Realme Buds Air 3S VS Ride Side OPPO Enco Buds 2 Charging Case Design Comparison

Firstly talking about the realme Buds Air 3S, It has a cuboid shape charging case built with a glossy finish at back, and the charging lid is transparent. The earbud is a short stem shape and it has a small size ear hook for a secure fit. The earbud has a shining and glossy finish build. From the water resistance point of view, it has IPX5.

If we talk about the Oppo Enco Buds 2, It has a round shape charging case built with a matte finish but the side corner has built with a glossy finish. The earbud is stem shape and it is longer than realme Buds Air 3S. Oppo Enco Buds 2 earbud has a matte finish at the back where the touch control is placed and a glossy finish built on the side of the bud. If you like to enjoy the rainy season with Oppo Enco Buds 2, you can enjoy it due to its IPX4-rated features.

Difference of buds between realme Buds Air 3S and Oppo Enco Buds 2
Left Side realme Buds Air 3S and Right Side Oppo Enco Buds 2

Overall the realme Buds Air 3S has a unique design that impresses to buy.

Connectivity Comparison

ProductRealme Buds Air 3Soppo Enco buds 2
Bluetooth versionv5.3v5.2
Bluetooth range10m10m
I/O PortsType-C port for chargingType-C port for charging
Dual PairingYesNo
IWP tech.YesYes
Google Fast PairingYesYes
Gaming ModeYesYes

There are the main differences between realme Buds Air 3S and Oppo Enco Buds 2 that you can see in given above table. Realme Buds Air 3S has better advancement than oppo Enco Buds in the Bluetooth version, Better latency for gaming.

Realme Buds Air 3S has a dual pairing feature meaning two media devices can be connected at a time.

You can decide the winner which is Realme Buds Air 3S.

Battery & Charging Performances Comparison

ProductRealme Buds Air 3Soppo Enco buds 2
Battery CapacityNot Mentioned40mAh for buds, 460mAh for case
Playback time7 hours for Buds, 30 hours of total playback time.7 hours for buds, 28 hours of total playback time.
Charging time1 hr for buds; 1 hr for case1.5 hours for buds, 3+ hours for the case
Fast charging10 minutes = 5 hours of playback time10 minutes = 1 hour of playback time
Charging PortType-CType-C

Realme Buds Air 3S has betterment battery & charging performance in comparison to oppo Enco Buds 2. Realme Buds Air 3S has 30 hours of total playback time which you can charge completely within 1 hour for the charging case and 1 hour for buds.

Both earbuds have fast-charging options. Realme Buds Air 3S provides 5 hours of playback time in just 10 minutes of charging whereas Oppo Enco Buds 2 provides 1 hour of playback in just 10 minutes of charging.

Now, we have reached our destination of the winner. The winner is Realme Buds Air 3S.

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Sound & Call Quality Comparison

ProductRealme Buds Air 3Soppo Enco buds 2
Drivers size11mm10mm
Bass QualityGoodBetter
Noise Cancellation for Calling4 mics AI ENC Call Noise CancellationAI Deep Noise Cancellation for Calls

Oppo Enco Buds 2 has betterment in bass quality in comparison to Realme Buds Air 3S whereas Realme Buds Air 3S has better clarity and 4 Mics with AI ENC for a better calling experience. And the other part of the sound is the same for both earbuds.

There is tough competition to each other in sound & call quality. You can choose any one of them after checking to price.

Price Comparison

ProductRealme Buds Air 3Soppo Enco buds 2
Max. PriceRs 2499/-Rs 1799/-
Min. PriceRs 1799/-Rs 1799/-
Good to buy underRs 2500/-Rs 1900/-
Current Price

Related | Best Earbuds under 2500 Budget in India

Wrapping Up: Conclusion

Between both the TWS earbuds, there is tough competition. We found that if anybody has a limited budget then you should go with Oppo Enco Buds 2 because it is available under a 1900 Budget most of the time.

If you have a sufficient budget of around 2k to 3k then you must consider buying the Realme Buds Air 3S because it has a little bit of betterment in all areas except sound quality. In the sound quality area, both earbuds are the same.

In the end, if you are finding more options for TWS earbuds under 3000 or 2000 then check this out on our blog

Realme Buds Air 3S
oppo Enco buds 2

Related | Oppo Enco Buds vs Oppo Enco Buds 2 Comparison

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