Boult Audio Omega Earbuds vs oppo Enco Buds comparison which is better?

Are you searching for wireless earbuds with Active Noise Cancellation? It is also very much possible that you have explored the whole earbuds market and found these two earbuds good. But you want to ask which one is better in terms of quality. If this is true, we are presenting Boult Audio Omega Earbuds vs oppo Enco Buds comparison which will clear your doubts and help you choose the right one.

Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) is a very popular feature these days. Although this is a cool and smart feature, this is not the only thing one should care about in wireless earbuds. There are many factors such as sound quality, battery life, connectivity, and many more. We will discuss the quality and features of both these earbuds one by one.

Boult Audio Omega Earbuds vs oppo Enco Buds comparison which is better?

Boult Audio Omega Earbuds vs oppo Enco Buds comparison
Boult Audio Omega Earbuds vs oppo Enco Buds comparison
ProductBoult Audio Omegaoppo Enco buds
BrandBoult Audiooppo
Model NameOmegaEnco buds
Type of Earphonesin-Earin-Ear
Highlight FactorFeature-richOverall Premium
Connects withBluetoothBluetooth
Warranty1 Year1 Year
Launch Date26 June 202213 February 2022
Global ratings4.5⭐ out of 54⭐ out of 5

Looking at the form factor, Boult Audio Omega comes loaded with features, oppo Enco Buds focuses on both features and quality. both earbuds come from popular brands and are long-lasting. One can easily trust both brands for After Sales Services. The launch dates of both earbuds have a time gap which does appear somewhere in the quality of the earlier one. To know a detailed review, have a look at every aspect of the review.

Build Quality Comparison

ProductBoult Audio Omegaoppo Enco buds
Built withStrong PlasticStrong Plastic
IPX ratingIPX5IP54
Battery life IndicatorYesNo
ControlsButton ControlsTouch controls
Weight5g for buds, 60g for case4g for earbuds, 37g for case

Firstly, let’s have a look at the build quality and design. Boult Audio Omega TWS has a rough and matte finish case in a capsule-boxed shape. The design might feel old but has a premium shine. The earbuds are laid straightened and are stem shaped. One thing you might not like is the button controls. The buttons are smooth but still, it is an era of touch controls. The earbuds and case are water-resistant and are rated IPX5, which can be considered decent. The earbuds fit snugly and dismiss the worry of free fall. It also got the advantage of a battery life indicator.

Looking at the build quality of the most premium oppo Enco buds, the design is actually elegant and the beads-shaped earbuds look classy. The earbuds are lightweight and small-sized, which provides a better in-ear grip. Talking of Water-resistant protection, it has an IP54 rating and does the job up to an extent. It has a solid plastic body with a glossy finish. The Buds look stylish and premium.

Connectivity comparison

ProductBoult Audio Omegaoppo Enco buds
Bluetooth versionv5.2v5.24
Bluetooth range10m10m
I/O PortsType-C port for chargingType-C port for charging
Dual PairingNoNo
IWP tech.YesYes

In terms of connectivity, Both the earbuds are absolutely champ. They do not miss any features. Both come with the latest Bluetooth v5.2 and ultra-low latency. The pairing is fast and stable without any lag. Boult Audio Omega TWS has comparatively low latency which excels the gaming experience. 45ms is near the peak of the gaming mode. and you will love it if you are a gamer too. But if you do some casual gaming then, oppo Enco Buds will never disappoint you.

Battery & Charging comparison

ProductBoult Audio Omegaoppo Enco buds
Battery CapacityNot mentioned40mAh for buds; 400mAh for case
Playback time8 hrs for buds; 24 hrs for case6 hrs for buds; 18 hrs for case
Charging time1 hr for buds; 3 hrs for case2 hrs for buds; 2.5 hrs for case
Fast chargingYes; 10 min = 100 min playbackNo
Charging PortType-CType-C

If we see the battery and charging comparison, Boult Audio Omega TWS excels in this too. The earbuds deliver non-stop 8 hours of playback time with a single charge which is enough for 2 days. The case can charge the earbuds 3 more times taking the total playback time to 32 hours. The fast charging is also significant which charges the earbuds for 100 minutes in just 10 minutes of rest in the case. The charging interface is type-C

While oppo Enco buds remain silent as it is little behind of its performance. The earbuds have 6 hours of playtime with a single charge making it a total of 24 hours with the case. We wish it had fast charging as it is quite a useful and important feature at this price point. This can be counted as a consequence.

Sound quality comparison

ProductBoult Audio Omegaoppo Enco buds
Drivers size10mm8mm
Bass QualityBetterGood

Talking of the main Sound quality, Boult Audio Omega is more focused on heavy bass likewise all other Boult Products. But the clarity, quality, and equalizer you get are far ahead of any other earbuds in its range. From every low to mid and high, everything is amazingly balanced. You will never forget this one as your earbuds.

The Active Noise Cancellation is also up to the mark in these earbuds. It does not drain so much battery. The earbuds have dual mics in each which does the job without any complaint. The call quality is clearer and appreciable. The loudness is enough for calls.

we tried to find the difference by listening again and again to some tracks, and it is worth mentioning that there was a very rare difference in the bass in the sound quality of both. oppo Enco buds have the clarity, bass, balance, and loudness we want. The oppo Enco buds come with Dolby Atmos support that makes the music experience enjoyable.

The earbuds come with Intelligent In-call Noise reduction which works pretty fine to deliver a clear call experience. Also, the dedicated gaming mode enhances the equalizer adjustments for different sound settings.

Performance comparison

ProductBoult Audio Omegaoppo Enco buds

Price & Price range comparison

ProductBoult Audio Omegaoppo Enco buds
Max. PriceRs 2699/-Rs 2199/-
Min. PriceRs 2499/-Rs 1599/-
Good to buy underRs 2500/-Rs 1900/-
Current Price

Boult Audio Omega Price rangeThe maximum price ever seen is Rs 2699/-, while the minimum price ever seen is Rs 2499/-. Boult Audio Omega is good to buy for under Rs 2500/-.

oppo Enco buds Price range: The maximum price ever seen for Oppo Enco Buds is Rs 2199/- while the minimum price is Rs 1599/-. The earbuds are best to buy for under Rs 1900/-.

Final verdict

Coming to the final talk, we have Boult Audio Omega TWS earbuds as a clear winner between these two sets of earbuds. The earbuds are stunning and full of features if you can manage to have these under its price range.

Boult Audio Omega Earbuds vs oppo Enco Buds comparison which is better
Boult Audio Omega Earbuds vs oppo Enco Buds comparison which is better

Talking of the Build quality, we get both the earbuds lightweight and with a snug fit for a sporty person. The touch control might look old but are very smooth controls. The design also looks so formal like specially designed for office persons.

For connectivity, nothing better exists than these. From the battery, charging and sound quality aspect as well these earbuds are way ahead of oppo Enco buds. The earbuds are worth trying. The highly appreciable part is the Active Noise Cancellation which will turn off the outer noise in crowdy environments.

Buy Boult Audio Omega TWS

Buy oppo Enco Buds

Don’t miss


Wireless Earbuds


People Also Ask

How to claim a warranty for wireless earbuds?

First, register your device on the brand’s website. Dial the phone number provided on the warranty card/ website, and follow the instructions given by the customer support team.

Can we use any earbuds as monopods?

No, none of the earbuds supports monopod mode.

Which earbuds are better for gym and sports?

Both the earbuds are lightweight and provide a secure fit into the ears so both are equally good for gym and sports.

Which earbuds are better for gaming?

Boult Audio Omega has 45ms low latency, Hence it is perfect for gaming. But oppo Enco Buds are also suitable if you are a casual gamer.

Can fast charging be achieved with a fast charger?

No, Fast charging is an inbuilt feature of the device.

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