realme Buds Q2 vs Q2s Comparison which TWS is better?

Are you looking for branded wireless earbuds that fit your budget and provide extreme value for your money? Likely, you are here because you like both of these realme earbuds and are not able to decide which one is better to buy. To tackle this, we are presenting a realme Buds Q2 vs Q2s Comparison. If you decide which one you are going to buy, please let us know in the comment section.

realme is a very popular brand in terms of smartphones and accessories. The products are durable and of extreme quality. Both of its earbuds feature the latest specifications which make these buds worthy of buying for under 2500. But one has to buy one and once only and that should be the better one. So let’s find out which one is better to go with.

realme Buds Q2 vs Q2s Comparison which TWS is better?

realme Buds Q2 vs Q2s Comparison
realme Buds Q2 vs Q2s Comparison
Productrealme Buds Q2realme Buds Q2s
Model NameBuds Q2Buds Q2s
Type of Earphonesin-Earin-Ear
Highlight FactorExcellent soundValue for money
Connects withBluetoothBluetooth
Warranty1 Year1 Year
Launch Date8 May 20213 February 2022
Global ratings4⭐ out of 54⭐ out of 5

The main points of comparison include Build Quality, Connectivity, Battery & Charging, Sound Quality, and Price range. Along with these, we will also inform you about the good ones and the better ones according to different activities.

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Build Quality Comparison

Productrealme Buds Q2realme Buds Q2s
Built withStrong PlasticStrong Plastic
IPX ratingIPX5IPX4
Battery life IndicatorNoNo
ControlsTouch controlsTouch controls
Weight4g for buds, 52g for case4g for earbuds, 32g for case

Firstly, let’s have a look at the build quality and design. The realme Buds Q2 comes packed in an oval-shaped case with beads-shaped oval earbuds. The upper finish is glossy and the corners are rounded. Likewise, all realme product buds seem to be premium, strong, and durable. The earbuds are rated IPX5 for water/sweat/dust resistance.

While on the other hand, realme Buds Q2s are designed to be similar but not same in the shape. The design has an inspiration though. The upper finish is matte and the lid is transparent which adds stars to the size of the case but is not so much different. Both will not bother you while carrying in your pockets. It is rated IPX4 for water resistance but does the job perfectly.

realme Buds Q2s Build Quality
realme Buds Q2s Build Quality

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Connectivity Comparison

Productrealme Buds Q2realme Buds Q2s
Bluetooth versionv5.2v5.2
Bluetooth range10m10m
I/O PortsType-C port for chargingType-C port for charging
Dual PairingNoNo
IWP tech.YesYes

Talking of the connectivity features, there is nothing in the connectivity to be called the difference. Both have the gaming mode, ultra-low latency mode, IWP technology, and the latest BT5.2, and both miss dual pairing which is not of that much use. Both stand perfect in connectivity without any significant consequences.

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Battery & Charging Comparison

Productrealme Buds Q2realme Buds Q2s
Battery Capacity40mAh for buds; 400mAh for caseNot mentioned
Playback time7 hrs for buds; 21 hrs for case7 hrs for buds; 23 hrs for case
Charging time1.5 hr for buds; 2 hrs for case1 hr for buds; 2.5 hrs for case
Fast chargingYes; 10 min = 3 hrs playbackYes; 10 min = 3 hrs playback
Charging PortType-CType-C

Talking of the battery and charging, here you get a very small difference in the battery life. Only 2 hours of difference whereas realme Buds Q2s has 30 hours of playback. Rest all features and figures are the same and perform well.

realme Buds Q2 Battery Performance
realme Buds Q2 Battery Performance

Sound Comparison

Productrealme Buds Q2realme Buds Q2s
Drivers size10mm10mm
ImpedanceNot MentionedNot Mentioned
SensitivityNot MentionedNot Mentioned
Bass QualityBetterGood

Talking of the final sound quality comparison, here we can say a little improvement in the realme buds with the sound balance. The clarity, loudness, and bass are very little better. It is so little that someone might not mind. but the balance depends on the music app through which you are playing the music.

realme Buds Q2 has Active Noise Cancellation and Transparency mode which is so significant while listening to music. The ANC mode cancels the external noise but if you while talking to someone, the transparency mode lets you hear the voices mixed with the music so you do not have to unplug yourself.

While on the other hand, in realme Buds Q2s, we get AI Noise Cancellation that successfully does the noise cancellation part.

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Activities Comparison

Productrealme Buds Q2realme Buds Q2s

Price & Price range Comparison

realme Buds Q2 Price range: The maximum price ever seen is Rs 2499/-, while the minimum price ever seen is Rs 1799/-.realme Buds Q2 is good to buy for under Rs 2500/-.

realme Buds Q2s Price range: The highest price has been recorded as 1999/- Rs and the lowest price has been recorded as 1799/- rs. The earbuds are worth buying for under Rs 2000/-.

Productrealme Buds Q2realme Buds Q2s
Max. PriceRs 2499/-Rs 1999/-
Min. PriceRs 1799/-Rs 1799/-
Good to buy underRs 2500/-Rs 2000/-
Current Price

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Final Verdict

Want to know which one is better to go with? well of course realme Buds Q2 is better as it has the transparency mode and ANC. But it is pricy too. Right? Therefore, they launched realme buds Q2s with relatively similar features and without Transparency mode and ANC, instead, they offered AI-NC which works very well. So the answer would be both are good to buy. Nothing between these can take over each other. The only thing that matters is that realme Buds Q2s will save you a significant amount of money.

realme Buds Q2 vs Q2s Comparison which is better
realme Buds Q2 vs Q2s Comparison which is better

Talking of the gaming mode, both are perfect earbuds for gaming. The sound, clarity, latency, and every aspect of the earbuds do not disappoint you either. There is a bit of difference in IPX ratings and the weight as well but that does not matter much as both do the job perfectly.

For better sound balance and controls, you can connect the earbuds with the realme link app.

Buy realme Buds Q2

Buy realme Buds Q2s

Also, check this out:

If you facing a common issue with your realme Buds earbuds, you can try troubleshooting by following the detailed guide on Fix realme Buds Q2s One Side Earbuds not working.

People Also Ask

Is monopod mode available in any of the earbuds?

Monopod mode is a rare feature and not available in any of the above earbuds.

What is IWP technology?

The IWP technology connects the earbuds instantly to the paired device when you open the lid.

What is a matte finish?

The dull and less shiny surface of the product is termed a matte finish.

What are the main differences between realme buds Q2 and Q2s?

The main differences are –
realme Buds Q2 has an IPX5 rating for water/sweat resistance, Transparency mode, Active Noise Cancellation, and 28 hours long battery.
realme Buds Q2s have an IPX4 rating for water/sweat resistance, AI-Noise Cancellation, and 30 hours long battery.

Which earbuds are perfect for sports and the gym?

Both the earbuds are lightweight and provide a secure fit inside the ears. Hence both are perfect for gym and sports.

Is realme Buds Q2s waterproof?

Yes, realme Buds Q2s is waterproof and it is rated IPX4.

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